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Personalized One on One Coaching

One on One Coaching is For You If:


- You are highly committed to changing your long term health trajectory

- You are looking for expert advice on how to be more flexible, stronger, more joyful, gain more energy, and get leaner

- You will follow fitness and workout plans on days we are not training together (off-training days)

- You have always wanted some special attention and a personal fitness coach

- You are ready to make transformational mental shifts on how you view your body and your health

- You are looking for a coach who can offer low impact options, when necessary

- You are looking for a virtual coach so you can workout from anywhere and keep active


About Sara: Sara has continued to heal from several hurdles including, healing from two hamstring injuries, recovering from depression, and overcoming an underactive thyroid and sore muscles associated with the disease.  Sara has accepted times of weight gain and has embraced her healthy body and works with others to love their body in all seasons.  

About Sara's Approach: 


  • Everyone has different goals-- you should be the author of your health goals

  • Body Positive Coaching is paramount, meaning we will celebrate all bodies as worthy

  • Fitness and movement should be fun and sustainable for your lifestyle

  • Movement should not be painful -- low impact options are encouraged and available

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